연구원소식 > 공지사항
제 5회 KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy (KIUDA) 개최 안내
제 5회 KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy (KIUDA) 개최글로벌개발협력센터에서는 ‘KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy(KIUDA)를 다음과 같이 개최합니다.- 다 음 -1. 행사명 : KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy (KIUDA)2. 기 간 : 2019-05-20(월) ~ 2019-05-24(금) (총 5일)3. 장 소 : 서울 그랜드하얏트호텔, 국토연구원4. 참석자 : 미주개발은행(IDB) 회원국 7개국 고위급 공무원 15인(멕시코, 브라질, 칠레, 코스타리카, 콜롬비아, 도미니카공화국, 에콰도르), 미주개발은행 관계자 2인, 국토연구원 관계자 5인 등5. 목 적 : 한국의 도시주택분야 개발경험과 중남미 관련분야 현황 및 주요이슈를 공유하고 이를 중남미에 적용할 수 있는 방안 모색6. 문 의 : 국토연구원 박혜정 연구원(044-960-0429, hjpark@krihs.re.kr)7. 프로그램
5월 20일 (월)
Opening Ceremony, Korea’s Economic and Territorial Development, Sharing Experiences of LACs
- Opening Ceremony・ Welcoming Remarks (Hyunsu Kang, President, KRIHS)・ Introduction of KRIHS and GDPC (Se Hoon Park, Director of GDPC, KRIHS)・ Introduction of KIUDA (Andres Blanco, Lead Specialist, IDB)- Korea’s Economic and Territorial Development・ Introduction to Korea and its Development Experience (Kyunghwan Kim, Professor, Sogang University)・ Territorial Development Policies and Implications of Korea (Won Sup Lee, Director, National Balanced Development Research Center, KRIHS)- Sharing Experiences of LACs・ Country Presentations (each country’s representatives)
5월 21일 (화)
Urban Development Session, High-level Meeting, Site Visit
- Urban Development Session・ Urban Policy Transition in Korea (Se Hoon Park, Director of GDPC, KRIHS)・ Urban Disaster Prevention for the Fast Growing Cities (Byoung Jae Lee, Associate Research Fellow, KRIHS)・ Industrial Complex Development in Korea (Hoje Kang, Research Fellow, KRIHS)- Meeting with Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MoLIT)・ High-level Meeting・ Networking Session with Public Corporations in Korea- Site Visit: Yangcheon Resource Recovery Facility 5월 22일 (수)
Housing and Land Session, Site Visit
- Housing and Land Session・ Housing Policy in Korea (Miseon Park, Research Fellow, KRIHS)・ Land Development through Land-based Financing in Korea (Myungshik Choi, Associate Research Fellow, KRIHS)- Site Visit: Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) Promotion Center
5월 23일 (목) Infrastructure Development Session, Site Visit
- Infrastructure Development Session・ Geo-spatial Policy in Korea (HaeKyong Kang, Research Fellow, KRIHS)・ Proposal for Promoting Smart Cities in LAC: Korea’s cases (Sangkeon Lee, Senior Research Fellow, KRIHS)・ Public Space Policy and Cases in Korea (Seong Soo Kim, Research Fellow, KRIHS)- Site Visit: Seoul Transportation Operation and Information Service (TOPIS), Seoullo 7017
5월 24일 (금) Site Visit, Discussion on Next Steps, Closing Ceremony - Site Visit: LH Sejong Promotion Center- Discussion on Next Steps- Closing Ceremony・ Closing Remarks (Andres Blanco, Lead Specialist, IDB)