제 5회 KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy (KIUDA) 개최 안내
- 작성일2019-05-16
- 조회수17,186
제 5회 KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy (KIUDA) 개최
글로벌개발협력센터에서는 ‘KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy(KIUDA)를 다음과 같이 개최합니다.
- 다 음 -
1. 행사명 : KRIHS-IDB Urban Development Academy (KIUDA)
2. 기 간 : 2019-05-20(월) ~ 2019-05-24(금) (총 5일)
3. 장 소 : 서울 그랜드하얏트호텔, 국토연구원
4. 참석자 : 미주개발은행(IDB) 회원국 7개국 고위급 공무원 15인(멕시코, 브라질, 칠레, 코스타리카, 콜롬비아, 도미니카공화국, 에콰도르), 미주개발은행 관계자 2인, 국토연구원 관계자 5인 등
5. 목 적 : 한국의 도시주택분야 개발경험과 중남미 관련분야 현황 및 주요이슈를 공유하고 이를 중남미에 적용할 수 있는 방안 모색
6. 문 의 : 국토연구원 박혜정 연구원(044-960-0429, hjpark@krihs.re.kr)
7. 프로그램
일자 |
주요내용 |
5월 20일 (월) |
Opening Ceremony, Korea’s Economic and Territorial Development, Sharing Experiences of LACs |
- Opening Ceremony ・ Welcoming Remarks (Hyunsu Kang, President, KRIHS) ・ Introduction of KRIHS and GDPC (Se Hoon Park, Director of GDPC, KRIHS) ・ Introduction of KIUDA (Andres Blanco, Lead Specialist, IDB) - Korea’s Economic and Territorial Development ・ Introduction to Korea and its Development Experience (Kyunghwan Kim, Professor, Sogang University) ・ Territorial Development Policies and Implications of Korea (Won Sup Lee, Director, National Balanced Development Research Center, KRIHS) - Sharing Experiences of LACs ・ Country Presentations (each country’s representatives) |
5월 21일 (화) |
Urban Development Session, High-level Meeting, Site Visit |
- Urban Development Session ・ Urban Policy Transition in Korea (Se Hoon Park, Director of GDPC, KRIHS) ・ Urban Disaster Prevention for the Fast Growing Cities (Byoung Jae Lee, Associate Research Fellow, KRIHS) ・ Industrial Complex Development in Korea (Hoje Kang, Research Fellow, KRIHS) - Meeting with Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MoLIT) ・ High-level Meeting ・ Networking Session with Public Corporations in Korea - Site Visit: Yangcheon Resource Recovery Facility | |
5월 22일 (수) |
Housing and Land Session, Site Visit |
- Housing and Land Session ・ Housing Policy in Korea (Miseon Park, Research Fellow, KRIHS) ・ Land Development through Land-based Financing in Korea (Myungshik Choi, Associate Research Fellow, KRIHS) - Site Visit: Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) Promotion Center |
5월 23일 (목) | Infrastructure Development Session, Site Visit |
- Infrastructure Development Session ・ Geo-spatial Policy in Korea (HaeKyong Kang, Research Fellow, KRIHS) ・ Proposal for Promoting Smart Cities in LAC: Korea’s cases (Sangkeon Lee, Senior Research Fellow, KRIHS) ・ Public Space Policy and Cases in Korea (Seong Soo Kim, Research Fellow, KRIHS) - Site Visit: Seoul Transportation Operation and Information Service (TOPIS), Seoullo 7017 |
5월 24일 (금) | Site Visit, Discussion on Next Steps, Closing Ceremony |
| - Site Visit: LH Sejong Promotion Center - Discussion on Next Steps - Closing Ceremony ・ Closing Remarks (Andres Blanco, Lead Specialist, IDB) |
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