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제12차 GIS 국제세미나 개최

  • 작성일2008-09-25
  • 조회수2,892

제12차 GIS 국제세미나 개최

1. 개 요 ㅇ 세미나명 : 국토정보의 통합적 활용을 위한 NSDI 정책방향                    NSDI Policy for National Spatial Data Integration ㅇ 일      시 : 2008년 10월 9일(목) 09:00~18:40 ㅇ 장      소 : 일산 KINTEX 회의실 210호 ㅇ 주      최 : 국토해양부 ㅇ 주      관 : 국토연구원, 대한주택공사 2. 프로그램 <개회: Opening>
09:00~09:50Plenary Session
<제1부: National Policies for Spatial Data Integral Utilization>
10:00~10:30Can Japan change geospatial information business after NSDI law? - through the cooperation act among industry, government and academia (Dr. Yoshihide Sekimoto, the University of Tokyo)
10:30~11:00The Canadian NSDI experience: policy and implementation (Dr. David Coleman, the University of New Brunswick)
11:00~11:30Strategy for NSDI Integration in KOREA (Dr. Mi-Jeong Kim, KRIHS)
11:30~12:10Panel Discussion 1.(chair) Kye-Hyun Kim, Inha University 2.(discussant) Yun-Soo Choi, University of Seoul 3.(discussant) Ho-Sang Sakong, KRIHS
<제2부: Spatial Data Integraion and Common use in Local Government>
13:30~14:00Integration Strategy for GIS in Local Government [Dr. Eun-Hyung Kim, Kyungwon University]
14:00~14:30Integrated prefecture-wide GIS initiatives and NSDI Application in Japan [Dr. Hiromichi Fukui, Keio University]
14:30∼15:00Local Spatial Data Infrastructure : Building Spatial Data , Next Year’s Great [Kwon-Han Lee, Korea National Housing Cooperation]
15:00∼15:30Geographic Information at long Glance, One click Spatial Datawarehouse [Su-Cheon Kim, Daejeon City]
15:30~16:10Panel Discussion 1.(chair) Myung-Hee Jo, Kyungil Univ. 2.(discussant) Hyung-Keum Nam, Daegu City 3.(discussant) Han-Joo Lee, Korea National Housing Cooperation 4.(discussant) Myeong-Jun Yu, Korea Local Information    Research & Development Institute
16:10~16:30Coffee Break
<제3부: Methodology & Technology for Spatial Data Integraion>
16:30∼17:00Key Strategies of GeoSpatial Data Integration with Response to Integration Cycles [Dr. Eun-Mi Chang, KSIC]
17:00∼17:30Development of Service Platform for integrating GIS Systems [Chang-Hun Lee, LBS Plus]
17:30∼18:00Sharing Geographic Knowledge - Towards a Web Services Based Approach [Dr. Bill Shepherd, ESRI Asia]
18:00∼18:40Panel Discussion 1.(chair) Woo-Sug Cho, Inha Univ. 2.(discussant) Dong-Hun Han, Ministry of Environment 3.(discussant) Jong-Hyun Park, ETRI
※ 기타 문의사항 : 국토연구원 국토정보연구센터 홍은정 담당자     Tel: 031-380-0401 / Fax : 031)380-0475 / e-mail: ejhong@krihs.re.kr

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