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Urban Sustainablility in Asia : Urban Planning, Environment & Transportation표지

Urban Sustainablility in Asia : Urban Planning, Environment & Transportation

  • 개최일 2008년 06월 12일
  • 후원
  • 연구진 이백진 
  • 장소KRIHS
  • 연수0
  • 조회수154


[ 내용 ]

<p align="center"><font color="red"><b>※ 발표자의 요청에 따라 7번째 발표자료는 파일로 제공되지 않습니다. ※</b></font>

KRIHS and RIHN joint International Symposium
<b>"Urban Sustainability in Asia: urban Planning, Environment & Transportation"

12 June, 2008
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea

Letter of Invitation</b></p>
The Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS) is opening an joint international symposium with the Japanese Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN), commemorating KRIHS's 30th year of foundation.
Environmental problems throughout the world have been brought up as a global issue, and various internatinal co-operations are being made to solve the problems. This symposium seeks for an integrated policy towards a sustainable and environment-friendly development for future Asian cities, with the help of domestic and internatinal experts from urban planning, environment and transportation fields.
We wish your presence at the symposium and to share your knowledge for a sustainable development in Asian cities.

<p align="right">June, 2008

Young Pyo Kim
Acting President of KRIHS</p>

[ 목차 ]

<p align="center"><b>Program</b></p>

09:00-09:30<b>Opening Remarks</b><p style="margin-left:75px;">Young Pyo Kim (Acting President of KRIHS, Korea)</p>
09:30-10:15<b>Keynote Speech</b><p style="margin-left:75px;">Shobhakar Dhakal (Executive Director, Global Carbon project, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
"Urban Energy Use and Urban Sustainability from the Climate Change Perspectives."</p>
10:15-10:30<b>Coffee Break</b>

10:30-12:00<b>Session 1 "Urban Sustainability, Urban Planning and Transportation"</b><p style="margin-left:75px;">Akimasa Fujiwara (Graduate School for IDEC, Hiroshima University, Japan)
"Environmental efficiency in transport"
Sungwon Lee (The Korea Transport Institute, Korea)
"Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) in Korea"
Kwang-ik Wang (The Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea)
"Sustainable Urban Form in case of Korea"</p>
12:00-13:30<b>Lunch Break</b>

13:30-15:30<b>Session 2 "Urban Environmental Sustainability"</b><p style="margin-left:75px;">Makoto Taniguchi (Research Institute for Human and Nature, Japan)
"Urban Subsurface Environment in Asian Coastal Megacities"
Takahiro Endo (Research Institute for Human and Nature, Japan)
"Hard" Solutions and "Soft" Solutions: Institutional Response to Urban Water Problems
So-won Yoon & Dong-kun Lee (Seoul Facilities Corporation, Korea; Seoul National University, Korea)
"Environmental Sustainability from Climate Change Perspectives in Korea"
Backjin LEE (The Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea)
Urban Form and Greenhouse Gas Emission in Asia Cities</p>
15:30-15:45<b>Coffee Break</b>

15:45-16:45<b>Genernal Discussion and Concluding Remarks</b>

18:00-20:30<b>Welcome Reception</b>

본 공공저작물은 공공누리 “출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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  • 최종수정일2023/03/23