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구성원 목록 - 성명, 직위, 전화번호, 분야, 이메일
Name Position Tel Research Areas Email
Shim, Gyo-Eon President 044-960-0101
Kim Myoengsoo Vice President 044-960-0110 Urban Policy and Planning
Cho Panki Vice President 044-960-0111
Kim Jeong Hoon Auditor 044-960-0374
Lee Soonja Director 044-960-0250
Park Sehoon Director 044-960-0220
Park Chungyu Director 044-960-0274 Real Estate Market Analysis, Housing Policy
Kim Hojeung Director 044-960-0344 Road Policy and Plan, Transportation Plan
Kim Jin Bae Director 044-960-0123
Ko Yongseok Director 044-960-0120 Road Policy, Transport Planning, Transport Demand Forecasting