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KRIHS issues research reports, seminar proceedings, academic journals and a number of information bulletins on a regular basis, all published in Korean

  • Planning and Policy

    Planning and Policy, published monthly in Korean, contains up-to-date information and articles in the spatial planning field. It is widely distributed to government officials, academics, law makers, public libraries, and interested professionals.

  • The Korea Spatial Planning Review

    The Korea Spatial Planning Review, published quarter-annually in Korean, offers a forum for quality papers by scholars and professionals in related fields as well as by KRIHS research staff. It marked the 39th issue as of December 2003, and is now regarded as the most influential domestic journal in the field of spatial planning and policy with the semi-annual circulation of about 1,000 copies.

  • Construction Economy

    Construction Economy, published quarter-annually in Korean, contains analyses of the recent trends of construction economy in Korea. It provides construction statistics and related data of the Korean economy and construction information of other countries.

  • True & Fair Housing Market Report

    “True & Fair Housing Market Report”, published by Center for Real Estate Market quarterly, is intended to share comprehensive overview of real estate market and provide new and in-depth information in the relevant field.