KRIHS History
Recipient of the Prime Minister's Institutional Commendation

Recognized as the Best Institution in the 2023 Research Institute Evaluation conducted by the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

Inauguration of 18th President, Shim, Gyo-Eon
Held a special exhibition to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Restricted Development Zone(Greenbelt)
Established Center for Land Policy Research
Inauguration of 17th President, Kang Hyunsoo
The 43th KRIHS Anniversary Seminar - The way forward for Korea's urban policy
Selected as excellent institute in the management sector in 2020 Institutional Evaluation by Economics, Humanities and Social Research Council
Opened KRIHS Workplace Daycare Center

Real Estate Market Research Center elevated to division level; Established Housing Policy Research Center, Land and Infrastructure Safety Research Center, Carbon Neutral Land & City Research Center (abolished National Disaster Prevention Research Center and Water Resources & River Research Center), Digital Twin Research Center, Geospatial Analytics & Monitoring Center (KRIHS Data Lab), and IT Strategy Team
Designated as excellent institute contributing to education by the Ministry of Education
Held 10th Anniversary Seminar for Global Development Partnership Center

Held 42nd KRIHS Anniversary Celebration Ceremony

Held forum on directions of housing policies for residential stability
Selected as top institute in 2019 Institutional Evaluation by Economics, Humanities and Social Research Council (2 consecutive years)
Established Construction Economy Research Division (Fair Construction Innovation Support Center, Private Investment Research Center)
2019.11.15 ~ 2019.11.16
Signed MOU with Yanbian University, and co-hosted 2019 Chinese Social Sciences Forum
Held 41st KRIHS Anniversary Celebration Ceremony, National Land Talk Concert, and Map Gallery & Administration Museum Exhibition
2019.06.27 ~ 2019.07.25
Held public hearing on 5th Comprehensive National Land Plan (Proposal)
Selected as top institute in 2018 Institutional Evaluation by Economics, Humanities and Social Research Council
Reorganized from 5 research divisions, 18 centers, and 2 director-level centers → 6 research divisions, 12 centers, 3 director-level centers; Established Environment & Resources Research Division (National Disaster Prevention Research Center, Water Resources & River Research Center), Smart Infrastructure Research Center, Geospatially Enabled Society Research Division (Smart City Research Center, National Land Simulation Center), Korean Peninsula & East Asia Research Center, National Land Knowledge Center (National Land Big Data Team, Knowledge & Information Management Team), and Public Land Research Center
Public notice issued for National Balanced Development Research Center (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Notice No. 2019-241),
Balanced Development Research Center renamed National Balanced Development Research Center (June 17)
2019.02.21 ~ 2019.02.23
Held joint workshop with Seoul Metropolitan City and World Bank
Established Balanced Development Research Center
Held seminar on achievements and tasks of PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games
Formed citizen participation group for development of 5th Comprehensive National Land Plan
Held 40th KRIHS Anniversary Celebration Ceremony

Kang Hyunsoo inaugurated as 16th president of KRIHS
Signed MOU with the Korea Housing Finance Corporation
KRIHS Building Relocation to Sejong

2016 Smart City International Conference (International Conference on Green Supply Chain)
The 38th KRIHS Anniversary Seminar – Future of cities: How to build smart cities?
UN-Habitat III General Assembly and Conference
Public Hearing on the 1st Comprehensive Plan of National Road
KRIHS-World(WBG/OLC) Bank Blended Learning Workshop on Sustainable Urban Land Use Planning and Management
The 37th KRIHS Anniversary Seminar – Direction of National Urban Policy for Growth and Inclusiveness
Kim Dongju inaugurated as 15th president of KRIHS
Held seminar on future of national land policies for urban competitiveness
Signed MOU with KRIHS-Woodrow Wilson Center
Held KRIHS-Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Regular Workshop
Held international seminar under theme of “Spatial Policy Challenges”
Held joint workshop with World Bank (WB)
Signed MOU with Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Held Life, Safety, and Future National Land Seminar
Inauguration of the 14th President, Kim Kyunghwan
Established Center for National Territorial Plan Assessment
Placed in the top of the 2011 Integrity Index for the Public Organization
Inauguration of 13th President, Park Yangho
Launched EAROPH Korea secretariat
Established the Global Development Partnership Center (GDPC)

Awarded Prime Minister’s Citation (Institute) for 2009
Held Sustainable Urban Development Conference with Real Estate Committee of European Chamber of Commerce in Korea
Held joint policy seminar with World Bank
Held OECD-KRIHS International Seminar on Global Changes and Urban Policies
Awarded an Best Research Institute Award by the National Research Council for Economic, Humanities, and Social Science
International Seminar on Global Challenges and Territorial Development Strategies KRIHS 30th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony and New KRIHS C.I Announced

Held international academic seminar under theme of “Global Challenges & Territorial Development Strategies” in commemoration of 30th anniversary
International Seminar on Fomulating the System Dynamics-GIS Intergrated Model
Public Hearings on the Land Use Policy for the Semangum Reclaimed Land
Held public hearing on Road Act amendments
Inauguration of 12th President, Park Yangho
Topped the 'Customer Satisfaction Survey' by the Prime Minister's Office
Selected as excellent institute in the '2007 Evaluation of Public Institutions' by the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences
Construction Industry Information Center inaugurated
Held international seminar under theme of “Collaborative GIS Towards the Geospatial Information Society”
The UBIN of KRIHS topped the ''Innovation Competitive Exhibition' held by the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences
Korea Road Policy Research Center inaugurated
KRIHS-affiliated Architecture and Urban Research Institute inaugurated
Topped the 'Customer Satisfaction Survey' by the Prime Minister's Office for two consecutive years
Communication and Public Relations Center inaugurated
Workshop on the 'Restructuring and Competitiveness of Major Metropolitan Regions in Northeast Asia'
Topped the 'Evaluation of Public Institutions for Innovation' by the Planning and Budget Ministry, among the 23 research institutes under the umbrella of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences
International Seminar on ‘Creating Livable Cities’
Ranked 3rd in the '2005 Evaluation of Public Institutions' by the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences
Urban Innovation Center inaugurated
Inauguration of the 11th President, Choe, Byeong-Sun
Announced Winning Entries of the International Urban Ideas Competition for the Multi-functional Administrative City
Public Hearing by Region on the Revision Plan Proposal of the Fourth Comprehensive National Territorial Plan
Awarded 'Best Institute' in the '2004 Evaluation of Member Research Institutes' by the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences for 2 consecutive years
International Seminar on the Long-term Utilization of Large-scale Reclaimed Land
Public Hearings on Promotion Plan for the Improvement of Land Use Regulation System
International Seminar on Transparency & Efficiency in Real Estate Market
International Seminar on the Development of Busan-Jinhae and Gwangyang Bay Area Free Economic Zones and Foreign Direct Investment
Korea·China·Japan International Seminar on the Promotion Strategy of Tourism Hub in East-North Asia
The Symposium for the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of KRIHS
Held seminar on SOC for the age of USD 20,000 per capita income and national land policy directions
Seminar on the Economic Effects of New Administrative Capital Construction
Held SOC policy forum for the establishment of national financial management plans
International Workshop on Innovative Clusters and Regional Economic Development
Lee Kyubang inaugurated as 10th president of KRIHS
Enhancement of National Competitiveness
Public Policy Forum on the Improvement of National Land Use and Planning
The 1st Anniversary Seminar of PICKO (Private Infrastructure Investment Center of Korea)
2002 06.04
Public Hearings on the Land Suitability Assessment Plan for Efficient Management of the National Territory
Top research institute

Public Hearings on Metropolitan Road Network Plan of the Capital Region
Forum on the Systematic Safety and Management for Infrastructure and Public Facilities
International Conference on the Culture and Economy of Cities
Public Policy Forum on Urban Growth Management and New Urban Development of the Capital Region
2001. 09.20
Inauguration of the New Territory Research Committee and Open Forum
2001. 06.26
Forum on Land Policy Directions for an Informatization Era of the 21st Century
2001. 04.03
The 2nd Anniversary Seminar of PICKO (Private Infrastructure Investment Center of Korea)
2001. 03.26
Seminar on Efficient Management Plan of the Baekdudaegan
2000. 09.28
International Seminar of the National Geographic Information System Policy and its Development Directions toward the Knowledge-based Society
2000. 09.07
Seminar on the Improvement of Urban Squatter Policy toward the 21st Century
2000. 05.16
Public Policy Forum on the Improvement of National Land Use and Planning System
2000. 04.18
The 1st Anniversary Seminar of PICKO (Private Infrastructure Investment Center of Korea)
2000. 01.21
Public Policy Forum on Geoeconomic Strategy for the Management of the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century
1999. 12.06
Inauguration of the ninth President, Lee, Jung-Sik
1999. 01.29
Became under the supervision of the Korea Council of Economic and Social Research Institutes of the Prime Minister in accordance with the "Act on the Establishment, Management and Promotion of Government-Sponsored Research Institutes"

1998. 09.09
Symposium on the Long-Term National Territorial Vision in the 21st Century
1998. 01.15
The 20th KRIHS Anniversary Celebration Ceremony
1998. 01.15
Forum on National Territorial Planning and Strategies in the era of IMF Bailout

1997. 11.06
Korea-Germany Seminar on Urban Strategies after Unification
1997. 09.04
Hosted OECD-Korea Workshop on Sustainable Urban Development
1997. 07.29
Inauguration of the eighth President, Hong, Chul
1997. 03.26
Inauguration of the seventh President, Ryu, Sang-Youl
1997. 01.14
Promoted KRIHS Computer Center as National Territorial Information Center
1996. 10.11
Published "Human Settlements 50 year History"
1996. 10.16
The 2nd Asia Construct International Forum
1996. 09.17
Korea-Germany Seminar on National Territorial Development Strategies for Unification
1996. 04.18
International Seminar on National GIS Establishment and Application 1996.
1995. 12.12
Korea-France Seminar on Public-Private Cooperation Plan for Urban Development Projects
1995. 06.13
International Workshop on the Establishment of Distribution Complex Development Strategies
1994. 10.26
Jointly Hosted with the British Council to Korea an International Seminar on Urban and Regional Development Strategies in the Era of Globalization
1994. 09.14
Korea-Japan Urban Policy Workshop
1994. 04.27
Completed the new KRIHS Pyeongchon Building Construction and Relocation (Gwanyang-dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si)
1993. 09.07
Inauguration of the sixth President, Lee, Kun-Young
1993. 04.14
Public Policy Forum on the Long-term Road Development Direction toward the 2000s
1993. 03.29
Inauguration of the fifth President, Lee Sang-yong
1992. 05.09
Awarded the President's Commendation for the 3rd National Territorial Planning Establishment
1992. 03.23
Made sistership agreement with DATAR, France
1992. 01.30
Groundbreaking of the new KRIHS Pyeongchon Building

1991. 03.21
Hosted UN Conference on the Mega-Urban System of Asia-Pacific Regions toward the 21st Century
1991. 03.14
Public Policy Forum on the Establishment of the 3rd Comprehensive National Territorial Development Plan
1990. 11.20
The 1st Korea-Japan Construction Economy Workshop
1990. 09.05
Hosted the 12th General Assembly of East Asia Planning and Housing Agency
1989. 12.12
Public Hearing on the Ilsan New Town Development Plan
1989. 10.10
International Construction Workshop for Southeastern Asian Officials
1989. 07.21
Public Hearing on the New Town Development Plan
1989. 05.29
Public Policy Forum on the Capital Region Planning and Balanced Regional Development
1989. 04.20
Public Forum on Expanded Introduction to the Public Concept of Land Ownership
1989. 01.31
Public Policy Forum on the Promotion of 2 Million Housing Unit Construction
1988. 10.06
The 10th KRIHS Anniversary Celebration Ceremony
1987. 10.28
International Seminar on the Urban Management
1986. 10.20
International Seminar on Integrated Urban and Rural Development Policy
1986. 08.25
International Forum on National Territorial Development Strategies
1986. 01.28
Seminar on Housing Finance of Korea
1985. 10.29
KRIHS building relocation into Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul

1984. 12.05
Inauguration of the third President, Hwang Myung-chan
1984. 11.13
Research agreement with the University of Illinois, USA
1983. 08.12
Reporting on the Comprehensive Jeju Island Development Plan to the Minister of Construction and the Minister of Transportation
1983. 07.11
International Seminar on Regional Development for Jeju Island
1983. 05.13
Public Hearing on the Basic Plan (draft) for the Capital Region Promotion

1982. 09.16
Korea-Germany Transport Symposium for the Seoul Olympic Games
1982. 07.06
Public Hearing on the Provincial Development Plan
1982. 06.01
KRIHS building relocation into Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
1981. 12.05
Inauguration of the second President, Kim Ui-won
1981. 09.23
Public Hearing on the 2nd Comprehensive National Territorial Development Plan

1981. 08.18
Training Program on Korean Land and Housing for Saudi Arabian Students
1981. 06.01
The Regional Development Institute (attached to the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) merged into KRIHS
1980. 01 11
Reporting on the Comprehensive National Territorial Development Plan(draft) to the Minister of Construction
1979. 08.08
International Seminar on Basic Strategies and Policy for Capital Region Planning

1978. 12.05
Enactment of the KRIHS Promotion Act (No. 3140)
1978. 10.04
Opening of KRIHS (Keukdong Building, Chungmu-ro, Seoul)

1978. 09.13
Inauguration of the first president, Roh Yoong-hee
1978. 04.17
The KRIHS Establishment Plan approved by the President of the Republic of Korea