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A Comparative Study on the Impacts of Transit-oriented Development (TOD) for Healthy Cities

  • Date2015-06-03
  • Hit66,201

A Comparative Study on the Impacts of Transit-oriented Development (TOD) for Healthy Cities

1. Background

ㆍ The importance of urban environment, and especially, pleasant living environment has recently grown.

- As part of sustainable and eco-friendly (low-carbon) spatial strategies, public transport has been an important instrument for urban development.

- Transport can be an effective day-to-day tool for better public health. 

- The impacts of TOD should be assessed in the aspect of public health for infrastructure development.

2. Purpose

ㆍTo analyze TOD-driven changes in transport ridership and health impacts through empirical research and draw policy implications

3. Project Description

This study included researches on:

ㆍ health impacts—physical activities and exposure to air pollution—of transport modes to commuters by transport mode

ㆍcomparative assessment of exposure to air pollution when using automobiles and other public transports—by following commuting routes by GPS

ㆍdeveloping a foundation of health impact assessment for healthy public transport system in Korea through:

- a review of the different urban conditions and transit modes and routes in Seoul and in Los Angeles, analyzing their impacts to physical activities and air pollution exposure

- an analysis on health costs and benefits of TOD discussing the methodologies to conduct effective empirical research

- providing policy implications and planning for healthy public transport system.

4. Impacts and Benefits

ㆍ This empirical study demonstrated specified policy implications for healthy cities. 

ㆍBased on the previous study conducted in LA, this study developed effective study methodologies and a foundation to create a framework to assess health impacts of TOD in Seoul.

ㆍAs part of the 2014 Capacity Enhancement for International Research project by the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Science, this study provided a good example of a joint study.