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2014 Study in Support of National Geospatial Data Policy

  • Date2015-06-03
  • Hit65,152

2014 Study in Support of National Geospatial Data Policy

1. Background

ㆍ“Open government” is a worldwide trend and Korea is not an exception: “Government 3.0,” an initiative to allow wider access to public data, can bring huge economic impact, which in turn requires specific policy measures. 

ㆍDue to its wide range of application from urban planning to infrastructure management, geospatial data industry can trigger significant industrial impacts.

ㆍThough frameworks to analyze geospatial data industry and numbers of input-output analyses have been made, analytical factors to assess economic impact of the industry itself have not been successfully developed. 

ㆍIt is the right time to analyze the impacts of geospatial data industry in job creation when the industry is expected to contribute to job creation under the vision of Government 3.0.

2. Purpose

ㆍTo develop analytical factors for input-output analyses; assess the job creation of the industry; and provide policy recommendations for the government 

3. Project Description

Reviews and researches conducted in this study include:

ㆍexisting studies and theories on public data disclosure and job creation

ㆍcurrent status of public geospatial data disclosure

ㆍnew analytical factors and models to assess economic impacts of the industry 

ㆍinput-output analyses on linkage effect, job creation, and etc.

4. Impacts and Benefits

ㆍThis study raised awareness on the importance of geospatial data disclosure and help develop frameworks for the disclosure.

ㆍThis study guided establishing principles of data disclosure for sustainable development of geospatial data industry.

ㆍThis study provided evidence and support measures for geospatial policy development.

ㆍR&D and human resources development for geospatial data industry proposed in this study will be able to create sustainable jobs.