2020/21 Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) : Launch Seminar
- Date2020-12-18
- Hit3,956
2020/21 Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP): Supporting Formulation of the National Balanced Development Policy of 2021-2030 in Vietnam, Launch Seminar
》 Introduction
The National Balanced Development Research Center at KRIHS held a launch seminar
for the 2020/21 Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) for Vietnam on December 18, 2020.
The topic of the 2020/21 KSP for Vietnam is “Supporting Vietnam to Establish a Balanced
Development Policy for 2021–2030”. The project aims to draw policy recommendations
and lessons from Korea’s experience in balanced national development and to suggest
balanced development policies for Vietnam’s Socio-Economic Development Strategy
(SEDS) 2021–2030. The KRIHS research team, led by Dr. Kyounghyun Park, will conduct
research in cooperation with its counterpart in Vietnam, the Central Institute for Economic
Management (CIEM). The launch seminar was held to improve the CIEM’s understanding
of the KSP project and to introduce the main and subordinate themes of the research
plan. The seminar was held virtually using Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
KRIHS research teams, researchers at CIEM—including the vice president of CIEM, Phan
Duc Hieu—and Korean officials, including Woojin Jung, Consul-General at the Korean
embassy in Vietnam, participated in the seminar. The research team introduced their
working plan for each research theme, and the participants shared their opinions and
knowledge of the project and of balanced national development in Vietnam. This event
is a cornerstone of the 2020/21 KSP for Vietnam, providing valuable views and comments
for the progress of the project