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Development and Application of Data-driven Communication Platform, Land Monitoring Interactive Repot*, for National Consensus

  • Volume739
  • Date2019-12-05
  • Hit14,756

Development and Application of Data-driven Communication Platform, Land Monitoring Interactive Repot*, for National Consensus

Managing Director of Center for Geospatial Analytics & Gesticulation Youngjoo Lee

Associate Research Fellow Bokyeong Lee

Assistant Research Fellow Changhwa Oh



1. The government pre-announced legislation of ‘A Legislative Bill regarding Activating the Data Driven Administration’ (on January 2, 2018), declared a transition to the ‘data economy’ (on August 31, 2018), and is working to change business processes and ways of working by making it mandatory to specify evidence data in policy making, by introducing data analysis and new technology, and by increasing the participation and cooperation of experts from private sectors in business practices. 

2. Due to IT technology innovation, raising of social issues and participation cultures are expanded through smartphones and SNS, public interests in national territorial issues are increased, and demands for development and utilization of various channels and tools to communicate and participate together from problem recognition to resolution are increased. 

3. In order to diagnose mutually independent and organically intertwined regional issues and find appropriate solutions, collaborative diagnosis and treatment through engagement and communication of stakeholders from various fields are essential, and convergence approach methods are required for improving the rationality of policies.

4. By transforming the existing public relations and communication for land policies into ‘evidence-based’ ways, and providing analysis results of land policy issues through dynamic contents such as interactive maps and graphs, developing and utilizing interactive reports are required to promote data-based communication and convergence among various policy stakeholders. 


Future Tasks

① (Expanding application of the interactive reports) Use as a data-driven communication tool for driving land policies 

- Use as a data-driven communication tool for driving land policies as a tool for diagnosing and finding collaborative problems at the diagnostic stage of land status, as a place for information sharing and communication at the policy enforcement stage, and as a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of policies and for finding another issue at the stage of monitoring of policy effectiveness.

- Use as a multipurpose communication platform for identifying cooperative regional issues and managing conflicts, monitoring the level of people’s awareness of issues, supporting communicative land policies, and supporting the education of land, etc.

② (Required Tasks) Establishment of demand-based data production systems, preparation of data-driven communication systems, development and expansion of communication tools for land policies, establishment of collaborative systems for developing and utilizing open interactive reports, creation of an ecosystem for data value creation. 


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