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2020/21 Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) : Inception Seminar

  • Date2020-12-22
  • Hit3,902

2020/21 Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP): Korea's Knowledge of Formulating Comprehensive National Territorial Plans and Lessons for Vietnam, Inception Seminar​

》​ Introduction

The National Territorial and Regional Research Division at KRIHS and Korea Eximbank
held an inception seminar for the 2020/21 Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) “Korea’s
Knowledge of Formulating Comprehensive National Territorial Plans and Lessons for
Vietnam” on December 22, 2020.

Vietnam needs a comprehensive master spatial plan to closely and systematically
coordinate and link its various sectoral master plans and to efficiently utilize national
resources. This project aims to share Korea’s experience of establishing a Comprehensive
National Territorial Plan (CNTP) with the goals of providing guidelines to help Vietnam
establish its Comprehensive National Master Plan (CNMP) based on the Planning Law
passed in November 2017 and of strengthening related departments’ capabilities to
formulate, implement, and evaluate that plan.

The KRIHS research team, led by Dr. Wooseong Jeong, will conduct research in cooperation
with the Vietnam Institute for Development Strategies (VIDS) under the Ministry of Planning
and Investments (MPI). The inception seminar was held to enhance the Vietnamese team’s
understanding of the KSP project and to briefly introduce the project plan and current
progress of the CNMP in Vietnam. The seminar was held as a video conference due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, and numerous officials from both countries attended, including
Mr. Tran Hong Quan, the president of VIDS, and Dr. Manhee Han, the chief advisor for the